Throughout my weekly analysis of my media consumption. I went about it by initially listing the all the media I had used throughout the day. Explaining which types of platforms I went on, why I went on these platforms and how I got onto these platforms. This way the viewer of my blog could have a clear understanding of the my media consumption journey and see what type of user I am before I went into more specific detail about exactly how I use media, the ideas of public vs private media and did I author, curate etc. So after my speil I described why I used media such as to communicate with others, to escape boredom through entertainment, to do university work, to find things etc. Giving the reading a deeper visual into my media usage and gives them an opportunity to relate or to learn. I then discuss all the different mediums I consume such as Soundcloud, Instagram, Snapchat etc. So not only does the reader read about all the different types I’ve used throughout the day but now sees a clear list, which gives an easier visual for them to judge how much I consume through all the different platforms. I then list for the day what I consumed, authored, curated or distributed/contributed through media. Going into more depth for the reader to see how I would group my media usage as well as providing my opinion on whether each consumption was public or private. I believe it’s important to address whether the media you use is public or private, to demonstrate the clear difference to the reader and to make them realise that the approach to these consumptions is different depending on which category they fall under (private or public). Therefore through my research I was able to clearly list my media usage in a way the reader could identify the why, what and how aspect of the project. It also made it clearer to me about how I go about my day and the necessity of this usage or am I consuming it for the sake of consuming?

Nakita xx

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