Today marks the fourth day of analysing my media consumption.

So this morning I woke up late and eased into my day with a shower and a nice cup of coffee. I scrolled through my Instagram, Facebook newsfeed to see what my friends had posted and the other accounts I follow. I liked the pictures I found appealing. I also did my Snapchat streaks ๐Ÿ˜›

Then the morning turned into a disaster. I was listening to my playlist on Soundcloud when I saw the bus approaching and made a run for it. When I got onto the bus I realised my music had stopped playing, I checked and my earphones had unplugged from my phone. Then it got worse, I couldn’t find my phone. I got off the bus, realising it must of dropped when I was running for the bus. So I ran all the way back to where I got on the bus and there my phone was (THANK GOD!!!!). I got on the bus again and went on Messenger to let my boyfriend who I was going to visit that I was on my way ย and what had just happened. However this made me miss my stop. I got off the bus annoyed at my distracted self and ran all the way to his house, with my Soundcloud music blaring in my ear.

When I got to his house we watched a movie together on Youtube. Then we decided we were in the mood to bake. So we went on google and searched a healthy chocolate chip, peanut butter oat cookies recipe. Successfully we followed the recipe and our cookies were amazing. However there was a lot left over to clean. So he played some music off apple music for us as we cleaned.

When I got home I watched some TVD clips off Youtube and then checked my student emails. Then obviously I went on my blog and started writing this blog post ๐Ÿ™‚

So that was all the media I had consumed for today. As you can see I used media in many different ways:

  • to communicate with my friends
  • to escape boredom through entertainment
  • to keep up to date with friends and the rest of the world
  • to do my university work
  • to create things I didn’t know how to create

Using medians such as:

  • Soundcloud
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Messenger
  • Youtube
  • Gmail (student email)
  • websites (google search, my blog)


  • blog post (public)
  • messaging (private)
  • snapchat streaks (private)


  • Soundcloud playlist (public)
  • Apple music playlist (public)

Contributing/ Distributing:

  • Scrolling through Facebook and instagram newsfeed (private and public as friends posts can be private but other accounts could be public posts that everyone can see)


  • Soundcloud songs (public)
  • Apple music songs (public)
  • student emails (private)
  • website searching (public)
  • youtube watching (public)
  • looking at posts on insta and Facebook (private and/or public)

I consumed and produced media today. I was both passive and active towards the media consumed. I contributed, authored, curated, distributed, publishing and consumed. Media consumption can also fall under public and private categories.

Nakita xx

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