Today marks the second day of analysing my media consumption.

Wednesday’s are also my longest day at UNI, meaning that I’m not using many media contents apart from Media factory, myrmit, blackboard and my blog in order to complete and organise my university work. I used these sites from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm. Using my blog in order to publish new blog posts throughout the day about my readings, initiative posts and of course this daily media consumption post. Blackboard and myrmit were used for my Introduction to Cinema Studies class, analysing the guidelines to writing up my reading log which I refer to each Wednesday. After our screening that day I also searched up information about ‘Sunrise: A song of two humans’, the film we are studying this week. Searching for cast members, directors and re-watching key scenes on Youtube. Media Factory was used to search up upcoming assessments on the home tab for Media 1.

In the morning I make my own way into the city for my 8:30 class. My day starts with me walking to Glenferrie station, which involves me listening to Soundcloud, my curated playlists of different search songs grouped into different genres. When I arrive to the city, I have to order my daily coffee and muesli for breakfast. I log into the NAB banking app to see how much money is in my account in order to purchase my order. While I eat and drink I scroll through my Instagram and Facebook feed. Liking photos, commenting/ tagging friends in memes etc. I also go on Snapchat to send my daily streaks. I then make my way to class and use Messenger to message my friends to meet somewhere before class so we can all walk in together and sit together.

After UNI my boyfriend and I use the UBER app to get a lift home. At home, we bring up the movie ‘Just Married’ on Youtube and sit down together to watch it. Then when he leaves, I crawl into my bed and just before i go to sleep, I check the weather app, to work out what I should wear before I walk in to university tomorrow.

So that was all the media I had consumed for today. As you can see I used media in many different ways:

  • to communicate with my friends
  • to get to places
  • to be organised
  • to escape boredom through entertainment
  • to do my university work
  • to be aware

Using Mediums such as:

  • Soundcloud
  • Messenger
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • NAB internet banking
  • Weather app
  • UBER app
  • Google (media factory, myrmit, blackboard, my blog, google search a movie)
  • Youtube
  • Snapchat


  • Blog post (public)
  • messaging (private)
  • snapchat streaks (private)
  • UBER ordering (private)


  • Sound cloud playlist (public)

Contributing/ Distributing:

  • Scrolling through Facebook and instagram newsfeed (private and public as friends posts can be private but other accounts could be public posts that everyone can see)


  • Weather app (public)
  • Youtube (public)
  • RMIT sites (public)
  • Soundcloud songs (private)
  • Scrolling through Facebook and Instagram (public)
  • Researching film on Google (public)

I consumed and produced media today. I was both passive and active towards the media consumed. I contributed, authored, curated, distributed, publishing and consumed. Media consumption can also fall under public and private categories.

Nakita xx

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