When asked for the definition of a blog, many answers are given.

A ‘network literacy’, a ‘web- based publication’ or a ‘log kept in the web’. However I would state a blog to be an online edited journal of the authors chosen discourse.

Blogging began in 1997 however wasn’t given the title ‘blog’ until 2003. Making the word ‘blog’ the word of the year in 2004.

Blogging became the ‘Push button for the People’ (2000’s blogger slogan).  A place for consumers to voice themselves with their own personal taste.

Blogging characteristics include:

  • Short in length
  • reverse chronological order
  • uses different media contents e.g.. audio, text, video etc.

Soooooo I’ve learnt the history, definition and basics to form my own blog. I’ll need to exercise my voice with care, use digital technologies and own my online portfolio.

Wish me Luck

Nakita xx

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