Film/TV 1. Analysis/Reflection 2. Question 4.

From recollection, the film Rolling was really impressive, without dissecting it at all I was left with the feeling that they had done a good job immediately after the viewing. Going into a bit more detail, I think the reason why it worked well was because of the simplicity of the plot and the elements that were involved in making the film. The fact that the majority of the film was shot in one location enabled attention to be delivered to other areas, like the dialogue and acting. However, even though I think that this simplicity worked, with such emphasis being placed on the actors, there were times where they didn’t quite pull off a realistic portrayal of a conversation. Part of the blame could be put on the script-writing also as I think some of the reason why at times it didn’t work was because the script didn’t quite allow for a smooth conversation.
A element of the film that I think worked incredibly well was the slow motion tracking shot of the two leads walking down the supermarket aisle. I think this worked well both aesthetically and figuratively, the slow motion could represent the feeling that the protagonists ‘whole world stops’ as they say happens during momentous occasions.

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