As we may think

“The world has arrived at an age of cheap, complex devices of great reliability; and something is bound to come of it.”

Written in 1945 by Dr.Vannevar Bush, his article ‘As We May Think’ illustrates the importance of science in everyday life. It illustrates how far we’ve come since 1945, but also how much was available back then thanks to science. After the war, scientists were able to target there attention to technologies that would make everyday life easier, it’s in our nature to want to fine tune, improve and perfect what we have around us. It is because of this that Bush was able to predict future technologies, things that could not exist at the time but through the logical progression of science could be imagined.

Science is a fundamental and essential industry, it’s what makes the human species progress. What’s fundamental in science is the expansion and diverse nature of people working in that industry. It’s an industry that relies on the power of an enormous range of minds and in turn their co-operation to find, study, test and prove new discoveries. What we have available to us today is the sum of all work science has done for us in the past.

Bush points out that progession is also about having the right idea at the right time. You have to work with the materials that available to you. You could come up with an amazing new technology that will save some of the world’s problems and be hailed a genius, but if you don’t have the means to make that technology a possibility, what’s the point? You’ve only helped yourself, your not contributing to the lives of anyone else.

Communicating new ideas, naturalising new theories that have been tried and tested, exploring the depths and improving ourselves.

Need some new material



Photography has taken the back burner to less important things in my life. I got bored of photographing Melbourne life. Just like I find it find to come up with things to write here, I decided that I ran out of things to photogaph. Travelling makes it easier, a constant flow of new experiences and adventures.

In order to write on this blog, I must explore, question and describe the world around me. My goal now is to simultaneously do it with my camera. I miss it.




Reading Week 2

With only a minimal understanding and without putting it into practice, obviously double loop learning would be my preferred system of learning. It’s adaptabilty for change and progression are unquestionable by it’s creators. It makes sense to use a system that questions the role of framing and learning systems, allowing for creativity and reflexivity. Opposed to trial and error of old techniques in a bid to make those specific techniques more efficient. My problem, most likely stemming from a lack of undertstanding, lies in the implementation of a double loop learning system. Is it a self directed, conscious thought process everytime I raise a question to myself? Or is there a step by step process that I follow? Hopefully I can expand on this in future blog posts.

“The extent to which human reasoning, not just behavious, can become the basis for diagnosis and action”.
Double loop learning allows us to engage with others, make links with the general and particular, and explore basic orientations and values.

We then delve into Model I and Model II systems of learning.
Model I can be described by our implicit disposition to winning. It is defensive and is charged by our desire to move away from something rather than to something else.
Model II is dialogical, based around communication through shared leadership and includes the views and experiences of the participants rather than imposing a view upon them.

Unlecture #2

Still trying to get my head around what it means to have an unlecture, knowing how to be not how to know and speculative thinking. It’s a lot to grasp and one my un-worked, holiday brain is still coming to terms with. Because of this, I did not have a question to ask at the unlecture, instead I relied on other people to ask what I should be asking. I think this verified that I am not the only one a little unsure about the layout of the course. Dont get me wrong, I like the format, I think it’s relevant and self direction teaches more life skills and industry skills than the opposite. It’s just that the main questions were quite obvious like ‘how much do i have to write in my blog in week?’ or ‘what content do I include in my blog?’. They are all relevant questions, although for some reason I still feel like I need to ask more to fully grasp the course. The problem is, I dont know what to ask. And then I think, maybe there is no answer to my question, maybe that’s the point of the course. Maybe it’s up to me to do my blog posts and my readings and attend the unlectures and then i’ll finally realise what this course is all about.