Still trying to get my head around what it means to have an unlecture, knowing how to be not how to know and speculative thinking. It’s a lot to grasp and one my un-worked, holiday brain is still coming to terms with. Because of this, I did not have a question to ask at the unlecture, instead I relied on other people to ask what I should be asking. I think this verified that I am not the only one a little unsure about the layout of the course. Dont get me wrong, I like the format, I think it’s relevant and self direction teaches more life skills and industry skills than the opposite. It’s just that the main questions were quite obvious like ‘how much do i have to write in my blog in week?’ or ‘what content do I include in my blog?’. They are all relevant questions, although for some reason I still feel like I need to ask more to fully grasp the course. The problem is, I dont know what to ask. And then I think, maybe there is no answer to my question, maybe that’s the point of the course. Maybe it’s up to me to do my blog posts and my readings and attend the unlectures and then i’ll finally realise what this course is all about.