
I shall mostly be writing from my green bedroom… with timtams by my side.

Loop de Loop



Chris Argyris‘ text was a bloody difficult exploration of learning and mental maps that people develop when confronted with an obstacle.
Model I seems to be quite negative. Model I involves actions that are driven by the need to ‘win’ and masking one’s values or thoughts in order to avoid the judgment of others. In a sense as the reading suggest this is a common feature amongst everyone, more in some and less in others but lets face it no one likes to be embarrassed and who would rather lose then win? Not many. However winning is not everything and shying away from what you truly believe will only impact negatively on the how you see and tackle different situations. Model I exposes people to the likelihood of becoming narrow minded, restricted and uncreative.
Model II has a greater emphasis on broader and more interactive learning that encourages open communication. Learning, problem solving and creative thinking can be thought of a puzzle. A puzzle can be completed by one person but it would be more efficient if there were others to lend a hand, everyone has a different approach and so will have unique ways of putting pieces together. In model II leadership and control is shared in order to create more coherency.

Other key notes:
-mistakes and errors however embarrassing are positive. The best successes were born from failures
-don’t be a narrow minded twat
-don’t be afraid to contribute-bring something to the table ! preferably food if the table is shared with me though
-approach learning with fresh approaches-there is also more than one answer to every question

*the above may or may not be an accurate interpretation of the text.







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