Friday was like any day in the office at SpeakerTV. News segments, reviews, filtering through content and pushing it out. I was forwarded a press release in regards to St. Jerome’s Laneway Festival and, to my surprise, was delighted to find out that one of my favourite musicians Mac DeMarco had gone out of his way to get his own Mum to join in. So naturally I made a big deal about it in the segment. Agnes DeMarco announced for Laneway, not only for an appearance, but also as the MC.

The next day I opened my emails to find my article had surpassed expectations, doubling the average page view target with a nice ‘congrats!!‘ at the end. If this couldn’t get better, there was a follow up email, my higher up writing ‘I just figured out why — Mac himself retweeted it. xx‘. I was at work when I read this and let me say, if I was sitting down at the time, I would have fell out of my chair.

Yes, that’s right, this blog post is a humble brag from a humble little intern, who is fan-girling with a ‘momma-i-made-it’ attitude. Let me just bask in this self-acclaimed glow. Don’t know who Mac DeMarco is? Here’s a little documentary Pitchfork ran a while back:

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