Tagged: self portrait

Wk 3 – Project Brief 1 – Lofi Media Self-Portrait

Take whatever you will from these pieces of the jigsaw

Photographs –

I’ve always been prone to surrendering to the power of nostalgia and now, more than ever, I’m finding myself in this constant struggle of distinguishing the line between childhood and adulthood. What I’m trying to convey through these images (taken on a polaroid, i-Phone and digital lomo camera) is certain aspects of both worlds that have me perplexed and transfixed – growing up and learning to come to terms with it. In some regard, my life right now is a coming of age film… sadly not directed by Richard Linklater.

  1. Making mistakes and starting again
  2. Exploration
  3. Experiencing a multitude of firsts
  4. Youth


Screen Shot 2015-03-18 at 9.40.42 pm


Screen Shot 2015-03-18 at 9.40.24 pm

Text –

(We are the people we encounter, in one way or another. These are just fragments of my memory mashed together that I think of from time to time.) 

I once met a boy

Who kissed me at bible camp

And dealt coke for fun


But I knew a girl

Who liked to be called Pepper

Her teeth were like the sun


Then there was Bradlee

Who was neither boy or girl

With eyes like a porcelain cat


(Things that strangers frequently point out to me) 

“Oh! Monaliza, like the painting yeah?” x1 million

“Like that painting!”

Yes. Like the painting.

“How did you get your hair so red?”

Hair dye.

Audio –

Children playing. I hear them outside my window everyday without fail and as much as I want to punch them for ruining whatever film I happen to be watching, you have to admire their free spirits… It still doesn’t stop me from wanting to break their scooters though.


3 O’clock on a Saturday?  Still too early to hit the pres? Try this. It’s one of my friendship group’s favourite past times.

Video – 

Since we’re unable to edit, I wrapped my i-Phone in pink cellophane to highlight the notion that I often romanticise things – seeing what’s not there in reality but what my mind conjures to be true.

1. I have too much nervous energy. It’s hard to believe that someone who loves acting and is an ex-school captain contains anxiety from even raising her hand in class. Since being at uni I’ve tried to work on that. The first week I sat in the back not speaking, bursting with ideas I wanted to share. This week I didn’t even raise my hand and just shouted my opinions. Five times. Progress.


2. A small portion of my bedroom window. These trees have grown up with me – when they were planted they were no taller than my knee.
