Wk 13 – Cry me a river
Alas, it’s over. The dreaded first semester. As I sit here frantically trying to finish this at 1:30am, boozed up on coffee with Best Coast’s California Nights album soothing me, I realise that I’m filled with some kind of sadness… oh hold up, melancholy’s gone – been pushed aside by tiredness and stress (shout out to cinema presentation that I haven’t started researching.)
There isn’t really one thing that I have specifically extracted from the course thus far, but a compilation of lecture one liners that at the time, for whatever reason, I felt compelled to write down so as to not forget –
- “Where are the boundaries?”
- “Don’t be too literal at learning.”
- “Filmmaking causes pain.”
- “Don’t wait for the romanticised idea to come… if it does, great.”
- “We can’t separate ourselves from all of the texts.”
- “There is no such thing as silence.”
- “Experience the uncomfortableness.”
- “Shed your virtual mind.”
- “Don’t be a tool.”
And, my personal favourite – “Making without thinking is being an ‘inbetweener’ – you want to be a creator.”
I guess what I’ve found the most challenging about the course is the aspect of having to get over myself and try things that I otherwise wouldn’t. Consequently, this is what has also been one of the highlights. I’ve come a long way from the girl who wouldn’t raise her hand to the one who can’t seem to keep her mouth shut. It’s hard to adapt and accept new ways and you know what, it’s very hard to emerge from high school to suddenly have the cord cut and be expected to become ‘independent.’ (cringes.) Honestly, in the first week I was ready to drop out but, after receiving a scalding from mum on sticking it out, I’m super relieved I did. More than anything, this course has strengthened my passion for media and in turn, my ambition to one day become the next Sofia Coppola.
So comrades, I say adieu. Here’s 5 of my favourite blog posts. Enjoy.
Wk 6 – Sorry Middle Class White Girl, What Did You Say?
Wk 8 – The ADG (aka Logies for Directors Without All The Hype)