Tagged: unlecture

Un-lecture week 4

This week’s un-lecture was symposium style. I’m not usually a fan of the whole question/answer system, speaking up in a lecture theatre scares me, but I think that it is a relevant style of learning for Networked Media.

I guess it comes back to the reading about double-loop learning. I am slowly starting to appreciate what Networked Media is demonstrating by being so open and experimental.

I enjoy this type of learning more than I thought. When everyone is encouraged to contribute, I sometimes surprise myself and do have something to contribute. In classes like cinema, where the classroom is very open (everyone sits in a big circle facing in), it feels more like the tutor is a part of a team discussion, rather than being at the front of the class. As daunting as it may seem, it is pretty good for building confidence when you have a lightbulb moment and realise you have something valuable to add.

I also got thinking about work environments and immediately remembered the Youtube videos we were shown during our first class for Client Relationships this semester. The videos were from a series called ‘Cubes’ – think MTV ‘Cribs’ but for workplaces…The first video was about Google, and wow, they have got the whole ‘happy workers are productive workers’ mantra down-pat.

It really makes you think about working and learning in a different way. It’s 2013 – maybe we should be taking a more experimental approach in order to be more innovative.