Tagged: boat

I’m on a boat

“I got a nautical themed pashmina afghan.”

What is Networked Media? That is the question…The answer is much less straightforward.

It appears that Networked Media is a boat that sits on top of a sea of infinite ideas.

Now, I’m not the sailing type. I can appreciate the outdoors, the beauty of Mother Nature etc, but I’d definitely call myself an indoor person. Perhaps I used up all my time outside as a kid growing up on a ‘farm’ in the bushlands of a town called Buln Buln East (I know, lol).

It’s much more comfortable indoors and instead of bobing, floating and weaving through an ocean of ideas, they are all readily available and easy to Google on my Macbook. Simples.

Although I also realise that my current method of learning is lazy. Regurgitating information that was spoon-fed to me in lectures defeats the purpose of being ready for employment in just about a year.

I can relate to the idea of currents and waves being like thoughts and ideas. Some are stronger than others, some don’t really lead anywhere, sometimes you follow an idea down its ‘current’ and it brings you to another idea. Ideas are fluid; water is a fluid…Ok that’s enough.

I expect my Networked Media experience to be more of an opportunity to explore and discuss (if only with myself) a mix of ideas from the readings, ‘unlectures’ and ‘other’.

Let’s just hope I don’t find myself ‘up shit creek without a paddle!’