Analysis #4
Please outline some points that you took away from the Lighting Lecture. Points that excite you, something that was completely new to you, perplexes you or even one you take issue with.
I found lighting very interesting to learn about. It seems pretty straightforward, but there are so many different set ups and adjustments that can be made to create different effects. I am excited about the multiple ‘looks’ we can use in our film just by adjusting the focus, using gels, or setting up cutters.
This also overwhelms me, as there is so much to think about, and we may need extra hands on the set to maintain control over the lighting. If we decide to use cutters, set up time will be a lot longer, and we need to incorporate lighting plans into our story boards. Something else that I hadn’t given thought to before the lecture was energy use. Figuring out how much electricity you can use from each power circuit will come in very handy when we shoot.
Lenny exercise 2 – List the things that you learnt from this experience – this could be things that went well or not so well.
I enjoyed the Lenny exercise, and it was a great chance for our group to try working together. I think that our location was not ideal – there was a lot of traffic noise from La Trobe street, as well as pedestrians walking in front of the camera. I knew that audio would be an issue, and we had difficulties with the levels.
White balance was also an issue, as it was a cloudy day and the sunlight was not consistent. We could have planned a bit better before shooting to find a more confined and easy-to-control location to fix these problems, however I am pleased with the result given the time frame.
I tried to keep track of our takes and write notes as we shot, but it was difficult as I had to stand in as an actor. If we had someone to act in our Lenny I could have been a lot more detailed with my shot notes. which could have assisted our editors afterwards. I really like the effects that Kevin and Mark used when they edited, and was proud of our final result.