05 Reading: Critical Theory and New Media in an Era of Globalisation

Hypertext 3.0: Critical Theory and New Media in an Era of Globalization by George Landow.

Axil structure characteristic of electronic books and scholarly books.
Network structure of hypertext.

A new ways of using and interacting with books. The reader can enter and exit the text at any page, they can search for words or phrases, and its borders aren’t as defined.

Webs electronically link blocks of text. metatexts can start as self-contained, and grow by having links to other locations online, and being open to added material such as comments.

Simplest form: author creates a HTML template and only uses links to navigate the text.
Writing in the presence of other texts: The author links to outside websites as references, and they act as annotations to support their work.
Networked documents:  can stand alone or be part of a larger set of networked documents.


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