Women In Media (MID-SEMESTER BREAK) MEDIA 6: Industries Workshop

So it’s mid-semester break now and things are going smoothly!

I meet up with Mia and Matt on Monday to complete the cut of the promo video and to cut the footage into bite size clips to upload on Instagram and the other social medias. The end result of the promo video is fantastic and I can’t wait for everyone to see it! The plan is to tease out the video this week in the mid-semester break and the Monday we get back in week 7, we will upload the full video!

We also were able to print out the posters and cover building 9 in them, so when everyone gets back to Uni next Monday, the posters will already be up for everyone to see.

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The social media team has begun there promotion across the various social media accounts we are using and it looks great! Alois has been writing most of the posts and sourcing the fantastic articles about our guests for audience to get excited about. Mardy has  been uploaded our bite size videos on the RMIT Adventure instagram page as well as the other pages and Karen has been tweeting away on our HeroinesOfMedia twitter page. I also created a facebook event for our seminar and got our group members to invite all their friends and family! And so far we have 120 people attending on the event, hooray! (Who knows if that many people will actually come but still it shows great support from friends and family and fellow students!).

I also did a bit of craft shopping this week as I have a plan to make all my group members badges to wear on the day! I think it looked so fantastic that the TV seminar group had the RMITV crew member tshirts on, it really unified them and showed they were a team! So my more quick and simple version of this will be to create pink badges that either say ‘Heroines of the Media Industry’ or ‘‘, I am asking my group members which they like better first.


I’m also in the process of organising a day before our seminar next week just to go over everything one last time and hopefully our tutor Shelley will be able to join us. Everyone has been assigned a role on the day but I also want to spilt the group up in different teams such as, Lighting & Equipment team, Stage setup team, Catering team and Guest Liason team. So this way everyone knows what they will be setting up/packing down when it comes to it. As much as I love that we will be properly lighting our set, I am also worried about time, so I want to try and make this as smoothly run as possible and if everyone knows exactly what to do then hopefully this will work out to plan! I also just want to make sure everyone understands their role for the day of the seminar production and what they will need to do. And lastly we will need to discuss the process of post-production and getting that all completed!

Finally this week we all have been brainstorming questions Prani will ask the guests, this is something I will have to go over with Prani before the seminar so we are all on the same page.

Not long to go now!

Women In Media (Week 6) MEDIA 6: Industries Workshop

What a week! Things are finally starting to fall into place and I am starting to feel really good about our seminar…

First of all, we finally have confirmed all 3 guests!! Woohooo!! I am so relieved, for a moment there I thought we weren’t going to get a third guest with our bad luck! We found out the great news that Mitu Bhowmick-Lange accepted our invitation to join our panel yesterday morning. I’ve looked into the work she has done and she sounds amazing! I really am excited to have her on board. I am really proud of the guests we were able to get for our panel, not only are they diverse in their industry experience but culturally as well, which I think is very important to our seminar discussion.

At the start of the week, the stage production team (Matt and Sam) and I organised with the TV studio people to borrow props for our seminar setup. Unfortunately all the furniture we hoped to book is already taken for another class, so we have to use the same chairs as the Social Media seminar group (bright blue chairs, worked well for them as the colour reminded me of the facebook blue colour, very relevant)…but I’m hoping to work my magic on the set and try to create a different look perhaps with a bit of material and pins…see how that goes :S

really great pic of stage props! :P

really great pic of stage props! 😛

We also filmed the video promotion on Friday morning!! The idea behind the promo (Sarah’s great idea) was to have our host, Prani, battling her way up the RMIT building, showing her epic journey to the Women In Media seminar. I am stoked with my group’s effort. We managed to film and cut together pretty much the entire promo in a couple of hours (minus one shot we had to film later that night). I am lucky to have such a strong team of creative individuals as when it came to the filming of the promo, everyone was switched and full of great ideas. Sarah and I earlier in the week did a quick location scout to organise where to film and the night before Sarah devised a shot list, so we were more than prepared when it came to the shoot. Mardy shot the footage and it looks stunning for something that we didn’t even light or really put that much effort into cinematography-wise, she’s a natural talent! We had other helping hands there as well on the shoot, Mia helped with sound, Maree was there for creative input and also stood in as an extra and of course Prani did a fantastic job as the star of the promo! And when it came to the post production, thanks to super whiz Matt who cut all of our random shots together to create a fun silly promo video that hopefully our cohort will enjoy!

On set!

On set!

Also more great news, since we finally got our third guest onboard, we were able to FINALLY complete our seminar poster!! And it looks absolutely fantastic. Maddie was in charge of this one and she did a fantastic effort. In the tute on Friday night, we added the finishing touches and finally completed it. I have the file now and plan on printing out posters and covering the school next week on mid-semester break! We are very fortunate to have the mid-semester break up our sleeve as it means we have a whole extra week of promotion.


We had a group meeting in the middle of the week just to go over everything to make sure everyone is up to date in the group. The social media team haven’t had to do anything yet as we plan to begin our social media advertising on the Monday of the mid-semester break as well as the catering team who will begin that preparation closer to the date.

As of this moment in time, we have really gotten our act together as a group and things are starting to fall into place. I think I have taken a lot of stress of my group members as now that things are actually starting to be accomplished, it feels like we are getting somewhere as a group whereas before we were stuck in a lull. I can’t wait to print out the posters and begin the social media advertising, I think it will be great!!