Women In Media (Week 5) MEDIA 6: Industries Workshop

So here we are in week 5 and now I mean serious business….

I had the realisation on Thursday night that we really haven’t gotten very far with our seminar preparation and its about 2 weeks until everything has to be submitted to the steering committee arghh!!!!!
I think these last two weeks I have been trying way too hard to be diplomatic and discuss everything as a group but to be honest it isn’t achievable, especially when we only have about an hour for our meetings on Fridays…

So yesterday I got more practical to my approach to team leader of the group and divided up different teams that my team members could sign up too and posted the roles on our facebook group the night before our meeting, so everyone could read over what jobs are up for grabs and have a think about what they want to do!

The teams consist of:
– Guest Team: Will reach out to our guests and keep in contact with them/make them feel welcome on the day of seminar
– Social Media Team: Will take care of all social media aspects of seminar including facebook, instagram and twitter.
– Design Team: Will design poster to advertise seminar as well as brochure for the actual day as a handout. Also will be responsible for printing posters and advertisements.
– Video Promo Team: will be in charge of planning, shooting and editing together.
– Stage Production Team: Will be in charge of stage setup, lighting, audio and filming the seminar.
– Catering: In charge of snacks and refreshments!

the Job roles I devised!

The Job roles I devised! This was posted on our facebook page, then discussed in person.

Everyone responded so well to this and everyone eagerly signed up to a team, some people are even signed up to multiple different teams. I think this approach is way more productive as now each team will go off in their own time and begin organize and make decisions for their part of the seminar. I am part of every team and I will make sure I can help out everyone if they need! I’ve already organised a meeting with the stage production team for next Monday to source props and equipment for the seminar.

I am feeling ALOT more confident now about our seminar, too much time was being wasted talking out everything as a group and in our restricted time limit, I think this is the smartest and most effective approach also that way all my team members have more individual responsibility which makes it a way more fun experience!


Team meeting!

Team meeting!

I also put it to the group that we need to meet at another time apart from Fridays and everyone responded very quickly back to me with their availbilities. So its decided that Thursdays at 5pm we will have another weekly meeting just to keep up on top of things.

Yay go team!!

The Story Lab: Week 5 Reflections

In this weeks class, we all took turns to present our argument that we explored throughout our Assignment 2: Research Report.

It was great to hear everyone’s thought process and what they ended up debating in their essays. The topic question I choose for my essay, was ‘The viral campaign for 2008’s The Dark Knight was incredibly innovative for its time. Is it, though, an example of transmedia storytelling?’. There was a number of other students that choose this topic question as well, so when it came to going around the room to discuss how we individually approached our essays, it was really interesting to hear the different perspectives on whether the viral campaign was an example of transmedia storytelling and how each individual argued their point.

Dan also asked us to write in this weeks blog post, our new philosophy of storytelling, that is based on the research you did….so my new philosophy is everything is a story! No matter how it’s told, everything tells a story. There are no limits or rules to storytelling, it can be displayed through so many mediums! I know that probably sounds very ambiguous but it’s very hard to define something as massive as the idea of storytelling I believe….so that is my philosophy.

See you in next weeks blog!! haazzarrr!

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