Women In Media (Week 3) MEDIA 6: Industries Workshop

So now that we have formed our groups, today we were able to have our first meeting as the Women In Media team for the RMIT seminar series.
I must say I am very excited that this topic was chosen as one of the seminar themes, I think it is really important and I’m so excited to create a seminar about Women in Media!

Prior to our meeting this week, I put up my hand to be team leader of our seminar group. This is something I wouldn’t usually straight away want to put my hand up for as I know that it comes with alot pressure but like I said before, this topic matters to me a lot and I think I have a lot of knowledge to contribute and of course that it will be so fun to do. So I was quick to put up my hand when we discussed the job role as a team and my group were happy for me to take on the team leader position.

Also prior to this week, we set up our seminar group facebook page and over the weekend everyone posted anyone they thought would be a great to have on our panel. We ended up accumulating a list of over 20 people!

Now back to today’s meeting summary. It was great to see pretty much everyone was able to attend, only a few absent.
I wrote up a quick list of all the things that needed to be covered in the preparation process for our seminar and we tried to work through as many as we could this meeting.
First of all, as a group our first three picks that we wanted on our panel…

  • Sue Maslin – I put up my hand to contact
  • Clementine Ford – Prani put her hand up to contact
  • Helen Gaynor – Karen put her hand up to contact

Guests are to be contacted by Wednesday 12th and I told Prani and Karen to keep us updated as soon as we hear back from them!

Secondly I put it forward to the group who wanted to take charge of intial poster designs. Maree and Maddie put up their hands to create a mock design and mood board for the overall look and aesthetic of logo/social media pages/poster design/promo video. They will present their ideas at next Friday meeting.
Sam took on his own initiative to create a poster design before our meeting and it was a great design but not all of the group agreed they liked the colours but I did really appreciate Sam’s initiative.

This two main points is all we really had time to discuss in our meeting, most people had to leave as soon as it was 5.30pm which is understandable.
I’ve decided after every meeting to write up a big summary of what we have covered in our meeting and post it on the facebook group, so anyone can go over what we discussed and also a good update for those who couldn’t make it!

I’ve also set up a list of things we didn’t cover this week that will be priority next week being our video promo, ideas for social media and how we want to approach that and also Stage setup and production.

Hopefully we do well with our guests and are able to get the ball rolling with all the other tasks to be done.
I was really happy with the contribution from my group today and I feel pretty confident about our seminar, I think I have a lot of hard workers in my team and this will definitely pay off in the end!

Yay team! Go the Ladies!!!



The Story Lab: Week 3 Reflections

In this weeks class we looked at the process of adaptation, in particular we focused on The Animatrix and this weeks reading by Umberto Eco titled “Casablanca”: Cult Movies and Intertextual Collage.

The Animatrix is a really interesting example of a adaptation, as it was not made by its original creators, The Wachowskis, but was given their tick of approval. The adaptation is told through the medium of anime, and really adds to the original film, The Matrix, as it serves a prequel mini-series. We discussed in class the many evident ‘push off points’ in The Animatrix that directly linked to The Matrix film and also how audiences are able to recognise this. An example of this is shown in the second story, The Second Renaissance Part II. The audience is able to see the ‘pods’ that the humans are kept in which is of course known as the Matrix, which is a very key part of the film and also directly thinks the adaptation back to its source.

Due to the philosophical nature of the story of The Matrix, it really gives the potential for possibilities of adaptation and giving it the ‘cult’ film status. In the Umberto Eco reading, he discusses what he believes makes a ‘cult’ film. One of these beliefs is that the film must provide a ‘fully furnished world’, which is key to a successful adaptation. In order for a story to be able to be told through trans-media storytelling, the original source must have a strong and rich story-world. It is quite evident that the film The Matrix has a strong storyworld, not only was it adapted to the anime short series but it was also adapted to various video games and graphic novels.

I must say I really enjoyed The Animatrix, such an interesting concept and visually how it’s told through the art style of Anime is just so cool! I will definitely watch the rest of the mini episodes when I get the chance…

☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆