Every semester pitching in inevitable. It should be something that is exciting and fun, sharing ideas with our peers and tutors. However, I tend to find it daunting particular when the idea that is being conveyed is a few weeks (days in some cases) old. Ultimately it is an incredibly valuable experience as it forces you to find a way to articulate an abstract idea in the most comprehensible way for others. Obviously in regards to this subject, the pitches took on a move developmental and fluid nature where the ideas were discussed rather than dissected and critiqued. As Robin had discussed, it’s difficult to pitch filmic ideas because their very essence is of the moving image and sound. When pitching all you have is your voice and at the most limited test footage. In the words of Robin, ‘Humming “Foxy Lady” to someone who’s never heard it isn’t really going to give anyone the slightest idea of the power of Jimi Hendrix.’*
*I’m in no way likening my filmmaking abilities to Hendrix’s musicianship.
Preparation for the pitch was quite valuable as it meant I had to sit down and work out the starting point for what I wish to explore. Here I developed the intricacies so that I could present a clear (initial) layout of my project. It also prompted me to start thinking about my beginning vignettes and to gauge reaction. The pitch itself was particularly valuable due to the fact my idea is still in its infancy and I was open to suggestions.
As per usual I practiced my delivery and jotted down some ideas to prompt me during my pitch. And as per usual I didn’t follow what I devised and failed to look at my notes. So in reflection I’m a little annoyed that I didn’t convey my ideas to the best of my ability. I feel that I shifted between the format of my project and the actual theme of it. I wanted to make a clear distinction between the ideas that underpinned my exploration and the production technics I was going to utilise to achieve this. I feel that my project was meet with indifference, which at this stage I’m taking as somewhat positive. There didn’t seem to be any negative criticism and it appeared that the tutors believed it would be an interesting exercise. I was really pleased with the discussion around tightening the technical constraints. I feel that by working to a strict production process I will be focused to work outside the box (excuse the tired cliché). The production values/choices may become the impetus for vignette (s) and I think that a sense of self-reflexivity (if that’s a word) is important.
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