White Night as an experience is successful when an individual has a detailed itinerary or the ability to stumble upon really cool things. Unable to stumble upon cool stuff I attempted to follow an itinerary. One of the few presentations I was really eager to see was the presentation of the Google Cube at ACMI. The idea behind the presentation was that a viewer devises their own short film through selection of a series of 6 scenes from a database of video content created by Steve Ayson and Damien Shatford from The Sweetshop.

My cumbersome description isn’t all that elegant so here is an excerpt of how Google describe it:

‘The cube allows filmmakers, musicians, artists and other creative to make interactive films which the viewer controls the narrative structure. Six films – for example six concurrent scenes, or a music track sung in six styles – are wrapped around a ‘cube.’”


I found it this installation particularly relevant to the course because the Cube acted as both the database, the six sides each containing another aspect of work, and the interface with people physically manipulated the cube to make their selection of the content presented.