Analysis/Reflection2 Q2

Select from one of the readings, up to but not including Week 5, and briefly describe two points that you have taken from it. Points that excite you, something that was completely new to you.

Write your answer in your blog under the category Film-TV then submit that link (Use insert link tool), AND THE TEXT, in the ‘answer’ section below.

These are few points that I think quit useful in the reading “On film-making”.

When you’ve thought out what kind of character your protagonist will be at the end, start him or her as the opposite kind of person at the beginning.

The timing of an actor’s looks can have considerable effect on the editing pattern and, in this sense, may have more impact on performance than many actors realize.

The best screen actors are those who not only give attention to the words, but also provide the audience with a clear understanding of those reactions and emotions that lie within the subtext of the scene at hand, the space between the lines, the feelings and thoughts that serve as preparation for the dialogue.

On the other hand, I really like the reading “Script formatting&Layout”, very practical and professional, and it is completely new to people like me who never get in touch with a real script.

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