Escalator Conventions

In the interest of originality, I’m going to share my thoughts on escalator conventions and vent my distaste with those who don’t follow the unwritten laws of use.

I remember my first week at uni, how I felt aimless and ‘in the way’ of individuals who walked with a certain purpose in their steps – the business people and those with leather briefcases. I felt that I walked slower and with less conviction than the experienced regulars of the city. These feelings of difference from the majority of the city-slickers were only confirmed when I was told to ‘get the f*** out of the way’ by a bloke who looked old enough to be my dad. This harsh exclamation shocked me at first – but now, I look back on that interaction as a valuable life lesson.

Having spend over 12 weeks commuting to and fro’ the city, I have found myself becoming unjustifiably frustrated when people – particularly CBD novices, are determined to stand motionless on the left side of busy escalators and block the way of those who have places to be and things to do.

It appears I too have become an impatient and slightly unstable escalator Nazi, in only one semester of uni. I wonder what other transformations I will experience in the remainder of my time in the city. Will I start wearing a suit? Carrying a briefcase? Swearing at strangers? Who knows. I sure as hell am interested to see how I turn out.

Here is a link to the work of a modern day Gandhi – a man who seeks peace on the world’s escalators which I think should be a compulsory read before one steps onto a moving staircase.

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