Saw this interesting video, the video is split into 2 section, different items/scenario but somehow they are common and relatable at one point. maybe this would be the outcome if we allow our units operation to flow rather than limiting and controlling them. Definitely something to work on for our next submission.
Finally a reading that is not as complicated. I actually enjoyed reading this, this would be the perfect piece for our individual essay. A very good summary of what we’ve learnt in class so far.
Frankham discuss the poetic approach to documentary which is frequently characterised by an openness of form. The use of montage that already extends beyond purely narrative connection and in light of its potential to grant access to range of perspective. The montage technic is similar to the list.
Below are more examples on what a list could do
-The application of a list-like structure has facilitated space for paths of connection to be reimagined thereby creating more complex and nuanced interpretations of the material.
-The list can motivate individual processes of synthesis and provide the means for documentary to embrace fragmentation, provisionality and complexity
-The list can also inspire thought that follows the structure of memory, impulse and flases of association. The structure of the list acts as mnemonic device that helps us to recall what we have already seen in the linear presentation of material.
-With the list , the possibilities for structure are not necessarily occurring in a linear manner.
-The list becomes a way of reshuffling the world, almost putting into practice Tesauro’s invitation to accumulate properties in order to bring out new relationships between distant things and in any case to cast doubt in those accepted by commonsense ( Eco, 2009)
-Each item on the list can trigger a sense of memory, an imagining , a concurrence or a questioning
The outcome of poetic approach- The audience is freer to choose and be more active in the process of reading the work- possibilities for new metaphors, understanding and concepts.
We summarised individual readings in class by writing a short summary of the reading and pointing out 5 main questions we had for the readings. Adrian went through the summary of each readings and explains the importance and outcome of the readings.
In my previous post, I mentioned that I couldn’t come up with an summary of the reading but when we were given time to complete the form. I did came up with something- from my understanding. Ingold argues that life is beyond scientific constrains. His aim is to recover that original openness to the world in which the people whom we call animist find the meaning of life. He brought us back to understanding the condition of being and how to identify life by understanding animic ontology. ( Rethinking the animate, Reanimating thought)
Feedback from our project. ( Group 01)
We are controlling too much and there were hesitations in our shots. We could have explored further by allowing different agencies and sets of rules expand our image track and sound scape instead of controlling and limiting them. We are not narrowing the idea enough.
I really like one of the feedback from another student- How we could have explored projecting our archival footages on something else instead of a plain wall. We could have projected and shot it on a circular surface and instead of tracking in and out we could have rotate the camera 360. Our ideas are still very rigid, like what Adrian mentioned, we need to be a 3 years old again. The way a 3 year old explores an object, the way a 3 year old ask questions about the object.
Why do they say that “In the animic otology, beings do not simply occupy the world, they inhabit it” (page71)
How can we relate primacy of movement? ” As soon as a person moves, he or she becomes a line” ( page72)
“Whenever there is live, there is movement” Why did they say that the sun and the wind is alive? (Page73)
Can we fully understand the condition of being? (page 68)
What is logic of inversion and how can we apply it? (Page 68)
Why do they say that ” Life in the animic ontology is not an emnation but a generation of being, in a world that is not preordained but incipient, forever on the verge of the actual”?
Why did they say that ” The environment might then be better envisaged as a domain of entanglement”?
How does tangle affect the meshwork in animic onotology? (Page 71)
Why is the weather so important in animic ontology? (Page 73)
Why did they say that ” The way to know the world, is not to open oneself up to it but rather to “grasp” it within a grid of concepts and categories?” (Page 74-75)
What is the mesh network?
How can we apply the primacy of movement in a mesh network?
What can we learn from this chapter?
How can we apply it in our studio and upcoming project?
“Whenever there is live, there is movement” Is the river considered alive? Why is this point important?
Why do they say that ” In the animic ontology, by contract, what is unthinkable is the very idea that life is played out upon the inanimate surface of a read-made world.”
Why do they say that ‘Yet along with openness comes vulnerability” (Page 74)
What is animic cosmos? (Page 74)
What is network thinking and relational perspective? (Page 70)
Why do they say that life is continuous birth? What do they mean by that? ( Page 69)
Why do we need to rethink the animate and reanimate thoughts? ( essay title)
What is the outcome from this concept? What should we expect?
I’ve read the essay 3 times and i find it hard to write a summary about the chapter. It is hard to connect the what the author explains as a whole. I feel that there is a lot of hidden meanings in the essay. Please enlighten me 🙁
“The risk of fallinging into anthropocentrism is strong. Indeed, I’ll take things farther” anthropocentrism is unavoidable, at least for humans.”
Problems with our work-
During group discussion last week, we are suppose to choose a word from Offenburg’s audio track and brainstorm audio and visual ideas for the next submission. We chose the word “Revolution” and our ideas were limited within the word itself. Even in my essays, I feel that my work is limited because it work always falls back to anthropocentrism.
How can we avoid falling back to anthropocentrism in our work? I am finding this a struggle in our projects and throughout the studio.
I have to confess, I haven’t done much last week- was a little overwhelmed with submissions .I’ve read Bogost chapter 3 a couple of times. spent more time googling and researching on words and terms that I am not familiar with. however it is still hard to absorb these terms in noticing and in the readings.
Things I can work on. Come up with word of the week from the readings and try to apply the word as much as i can in my blogs, and noticing maybe?
As mentioned in my previous post. I’ve learned another method in essay writing, which will be useful for upcoming essays.
Today we started off the lesson by a brief analysing our essays. Out of 10 people, only 2-3 feels good about their essay. I belong to the “so-so” group. Adrian asked us why are we not satisfied with our essays.
My workflow-
I tend to focus too much on the structure of my essay that my content revolves around this structure. Last Thursday, Adrian thought us the Pomodoro technique, this technique allows our essay to take us for a walk. I find this technique more efficient, it helps me to move on whenever I am stuck in a passage( which always happens). I wish I had more time for my essay as i practically churned out a new essay within a day..
We went through the these new words for our upcoming assignments today
“The truculence and clamour of things
a convivial making “
It sound so easy when Adrian gave us some examples, however, I find it hard to think of my own examples in our existing soundscape. *Need to re-read Bogost Chapter 03!