Archive of ‘Ecologies of Noticing’ category

The Future?

The future of Cinema-Cannes and Netflix to determine the future of cinema?

VR and 360 videos-

Chance upon these 2 sources that discuss the future of media making ( I should stop using the word filmmaking- how many people actually get the chance to make a film?) Back to class discussions last week, we don’t have any clue how the media industry would be like (Well, we could watch “Back to the Future” for some inspiration) Everything is interrelated, new inventions such as VR draws aspects of Gaming and technologies to form a new invention. We may be unfamiliar with VR when it first launch.. At the same time, we are not completely unfamiliar with it. It may be a new experience in gaming but some conventions remains.

Studio 19 Notes

6degrees of separation network
definition of public and private have been completely rewritten
CDs-Ipod- Spotify ( online streaming)
DVDs- Netflix ( online streaming)
increasing obligations in relation to people and technologies and machines we use
environmental footprint in a device.
google service consume insane amount of electricity
what is the nature of the obligation
SIRI- social relationship of minor AI
How intelligent do AI have to get? AI that makes human life decision about your health or legal system ( already happening)
Machines that we use have their own agencies ( maintenance )
IOT – the internet of things
All our phones and devices have a IP address, we are now putting it into cars, plane, medical technologies
protocols of information to exchange- different sort of agencies
location based data is shared- FB reviews
Storage is dirt cheap( it is getting cheaper and more advanced )
human artefact – cultures
male body with female hormones
film obligations- there are a lot of obligations in film making
Bogost treat your ideas as things and let them take you for a walk
bringing things together and bring it to new relations – new assemblage in an unexpected way- eg. Iphone
– in story lines, in the industry, in app design, in the next revolution of media
everything is complicated- nothing is a whole in itself.
What do you want your practice to be in the future? What are the instruments? ( social media platforms?)
I want to make an films/media artefacts to make an impact/bring awareness on socio-economic change on media whatever trending media platforms

Week 10 Tuesday

What would I like to understand. Why? 

  1. How we apply the theories we’ve learnt after this semester/after graduation?Can we apply these sets of theories in traditional/industrial filmmaking? I understand that we are exploring different way of noticing and we focus a lot on how post-industrial works. Does it only apply to post-industrial filmmaking?
  2. Which platform does our work falls in? Is it more media/filmmaking or will it be more like an art form? ( Like blue poles’ painting) The work we have done so far feels like an art that can be found in art galleries.

Class discussion- How can we apply what we’ve learnt in the future?

  • Documentary making (structuring- different perspective) more control to agencies and relations to things
  • Appreciating things more
  • Selfishness
  • General awareness( relation and things)

What do we see ourselves working on 10-15 years later? film making and communications/media industry focuses a lot on social context and even political issues around the world, Eg. Global warming, Mass Migration – we have to do something about it!

A way to start to recognise differences/ noticing. Helps to prepare us for a unpredictable world we live in (well, Trump is president, you never know what is next)

We don’t know what will happen next. We cannot assume that things will stay the same way forever. things are changing- Climate change etc. The problem with this generation- we no longer question about things around our lives because we can get things affordably and  easily? We will go to meetings one day in the next 10 years and someone will ask- What is the carbon footprint of our film? (I’ve actually produced a video for MBS Singapore about carbon footprint, MBS have a sustainability department that monitors their carbon footprints)


Matter of concerns in the world keeps changing, 100 years ago it was issues woman rights, 50 years ago it was issues of aboriginals (did i get this fact right?), there’s issues of animal crudity, gender equality, race equality etc.. What is next? Adrian mentioned something about Artificial Intelligence. example,Driverless car- at some point, machines will be given the agency to make decisions..  If cameras can make decision, what is the relationship between us and the camera?

We need to have agency in that world and learn how to shape it. Not just responding to it. We need to see things as a thing that has agencies and how it intersects one another. People in the industries may not know the chain of effect their work causes. An online shopping application is not just about hitting a sales target, it increases demands of a product, factories source for more materials and produces more quantity, leads to fast fashion which leads to global warming ( The True Cost ) I am sure most consumers have no clue about their agencies in this chain.

We don’t what will happen in the future. Theories we’ve learnt in class helps us to adapt to the changes in different industries.

Working against the “system”

We had a little exercise in class today.

We were told to pick an object, shoot a 1 minute video about this object. Shoot it in a way that we are describing that object. We then spent the 2nd half of the studio describing our shots.

What’s the outcome of this exercise? – Adrian mentioned that we are not thinking through our medium.

This exercise allows me to think more critically. If we were to do it another way round ( script first then shoot) I would have started off with doing some research on google and I would have relied on information google tells me instead of thinking and observing critically. Which I feel, is a big problem in our generation today. We no longer ask questions about things, we are just following a system and guidelines built by the previous generation.

During the exercise, I am amazed by how the cap on my bottle is designed in a way that it requires lesser force when we open the bottle. It’s scary how I’ve been using this bottle for the past 4 months and I never thought about it. Now I understand why Frankham says that ” A poetic application of associational form creates relationships between element that are more often felt than thought. p139″ Last week I questioned how can we not think about what we felt? Objects around us are so common, that we often take things for granted. We don’t question what is common anymore. I’ve watched this documentary called ” The true cost” over the weekend. Consumerism is polluting and killing our planet, I wonder how many consumers know about the chains of relations and consequences by their purchases. If we stop questioning what is common, it will soon be uncommon.

Anyway, back to my bottle cap. From my observation, there is an entanglement mesh network about the bottle cap alone. It is designed and engineered with sets of scientific rules ( both physics and chemistry ) It is BPA free.



Media practice and trails

Back to the importance of blogging. Our grades alone will not get us the job. it is the things that we do outside our academic schedule that reflects our character and ability. Eg. Activities like volunteering, shows that someone is compassionate . We need to keep reading and writing. the more we know about it, the bigger the topics get. Blogging helps us to understand- summary of our reading and class, reflections etc

Trails in media- thinking about it, talking about it and doing something about it. the thicker the media trail you produce the stronger you are going to be. the more we can demonstrate our skills set, the more we are more valuable in the industry. I’ve been watching a lot of documentaries lately, and i’ve been taking down notes unknowingly as I watch these documentaries. These notes allow me to reflect and think, I scribble down a list  random things from interviews, quotes and other observations. It is easier for me to remember.

ideas don’t come to matter until it becomes a thing. when things do things they become actors. gravity and time does things in their own way

I guess blogging helps to stay on the right track, with such a dense and complex studio, I find it a struggle to understand. At one point, I thought I was on the right track and at some point, I felt very lost..

Killed by the American Dream

I just watch two different life changing and thought provoking documentary: Cowspiracy and Minimalism on Netflix.

All my life, I’ve been thought living life the wrong way. What is a successful life? Back in Singapore, we were taught being successful- owning 5 Cs. Condominium, Credit Cards, Country Club and Cash. When you achieved these 5 Cs, you are considered a successful person. These 5 Cs were influenced by the American dream. We were taught to climb this corporate ladder, to make as much money as possible so that we can buy whatever we want- own bigger house, bigger car and if you are successful enough- own a bigger yacht. This American dream is killing our our planet and the environmental system, it is causing climate change.

  1. Fast Fashion

We are too materialistic in the everyday sense of the word and we are not at all materialistic enough in the true sense of the word. We need to be true materialists, like really care about the materiality of goods. Instead we are in a world in which material goods are so important for their symbolic meaning, what they do to position us in the status system based on what advertising or marketing says they are about.- Juliet Schor

We are throwing things away not because it is no longer usable but because it no longer has social value of it is no longer fashionable. Fast fashion means higher demand in consuming goods- getting the latest trend fashion clothes in store and getting the last technology product. For example- how often an average person change their mobile phone, probably once every 2 years when our contracts end. We change our phones not because our phone is not working, but because of the way the telecom company advertise to sell their products.  We upgrade our phone whenever our telecom company tells us to ( the agency doesn’t belong to us!)

Human identity is no longer defined by what one does but what one owns- Jimmy Carter

2. Meat consumption

I was shocked to learn that animal agricultural is the no.1 cause of pollution. Did you know that Methane has a global warming potential 86 times that of CO2 on a 20 year time frame? and cow produce 150 billion gallons of methane per day. 2500 gallons of water are needed to produce 1 pound of beef! More facts on animal agricultural pollution here 

We cannot handle the demands of our overpopulated world and everything is changing. Food microbiologist are experimenting different ways to substitute food. Food isn’t the same anymore, i guess we will reach a point of time where food is not real. Let’s take milk for example- right now we have soy, almond, rice milk to substitute cow’s milk. I read this somewhere, I cant remember where but if we don’t stop pollution, sooner or later, we will be starting climate war where countries goes on war for resources.

Why am I blogging about this? Because everything that I was taught was a big fat lie. The American dream is not working. people are consuming more things to fill their discontentment. We work our ass off to buy expensive things that we don’t need or things that will go out of trend in a short period of time. This whole system about life is wrong and we need to look at life at a different perspective. We need to rewind and rethink the definition and meaning of things to make it right or rather to make things better. Which links to the purpose of our studio, using different techniques and approach to learn the meaning of an object all over again. To find a different connection, meaning and metaphor of what it could do. Looking at things with a different perspective and reworking things on this fast changing world. Because the world is never fully right, there isn’t just one way to do things or one way to live our lives. There are different methods and relation to things around us.

Before watching these 2 documentary I thought I would never make it big or earn enough money in the film industry. I considered changing industry, a more corporate establishment so that I can earn a steady income. I was wrong. If I could ever produce documentaries such as Cowspiracy and Minimalism, I think I will be contented with my life.

This is probably my longest post.




Same Same But Different


Saw this interesting video, the video is split into 2 section, different items/scenario but somehow they are common and relatable at one point. maybe this would be the outcome if we allow our units operation to flow rather than limiting and controlling them. Definitely something to work on for our next submission.

Poetic approach to documentary

Chapter 4- Complexity flux and webs of connection 

Finally a reading that is not as complicated. I actually enjoyed reading this, this would be the perfect piece for our individual essay. A very good summary of what we’ve learnt in class so far.

Frankham discuss the poetic approach to documentary which is frequently characterised by an openness of form. The use of montage that already extends beyond purely narrative connection and in light of its potential to grant access to range of perspective. The montage technic is similar to the list.

Below are more examples on what a list could do

-The application of a list-like structure has facilitated space for paths of connection to be reimagined thereby creating more complex and nuanced interpretations of the material.

-The list can motivate individual processes of synthesis and provide the means for documentary to embrace fragmentation, provisionality and complexity

-The list can also inspire thought that follows the structure of memory, impulse and flases of association. The structure of the list acts as mnemonic device that helps us to recall what we have already seen in the linear presentation of material.

-With the list , the possibilities for structure are not necessarily occurring in a linear manner.

-The list becomes a way of reshuffling the world, almost putting into practice Tesauro’s invitation to accumulate properties in order to bring out new relationships between distant things and in any case to cast doubt in those accepted by commonsense ( Eco, 2009)

-Each item on the list can trigger a sense of memory, an imagining , a concurrence or a questioning

The outcome of poetic approach- The audience is freer to choose and be more active in the process of reading the work- possibilities for new metaphors, understanding and concepts.

Studio Updates

Week 07, Thursday

We summarised individual readings in class by writing a short summary of the reading and pointing out 5 main questions we had for the readings. Adrian went through the summary of each readings and explains the importance and outcome of the readings.

In my previous post, I mentioned that I couldn’t come up with an summary of the reading but when we were given time to complete the form. I did came up with something- from my understanding. Ingold argues that life is beyond scientific constrains. His aim is to recover that original openness to the world in which the people whom we call animist find the meaning of life. He brought us back to understanding the condition of being and how to identify life by understanding animic ontology. ( Rethinking the animate, Reanimating thought)

Feedback from our project. ( Group 01)

We are controlling too much and there were hesitations in our shots. We could have explored further by allowing different agencies and sets of rules expand our image track and sound scape instead of controlling and limiting them. We are not narrowing the idea enough.

I really like one of the feedback from another student- How we could have explored projecting our archival footages on something else instead of a plain wall. We could have projected and shot it on a circular surface and instead of tracking in and out we could have rotate the camera 360. Our ideas are still very rigid, like what Adrian mentioned, we need to be a 3 years old again. The way a 3 year old explores an object, the way a 3 year old ask questions about the object.


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