May 24th 2017 archive

Intimate Glimpses #WIP7 (Writing)

  1. Object ( Iphone ) 

The aim of this video is to explore the relationship between humans and their phone. I’ve listed down a list of application that I’ve stalled in my phone. I then highlight the frequently used application. The list reflects what a phone does and how it contribute to my life. The initial plan was to understand my phone but I end up noticing my needs and how dependant I am to it. The list could be divided into emotional and physical needs. I would like to explore the relation between the essential support and needs of my phone and how my phone contribute to my needs. The visual will show structures /systems that support my phone’s operating system and the audio will list a list of emotional and physical needs that my phone provides.


Visuals- Things that structure and supports the phone system- Satellite dish, radio waves, wifi broadband, power, cable lines..

Audio- My emotional and physical needs (list ) with sound from the phone ( notifications, vibrating, SIRI’s respond to questions ) –

Emotional: Social, connection, content, image, informations, dependant, knowledge, stay in touch with friends, stay up to date with current news and events, fill up spare time, share opinion ( voice), meet new people, share and exchange experiences, get advices Physical: Alarm clock, Calendar, Tramtracker, Navigate directions, weather, menstrual cycle, health app- monitor fitness ( number of steps/day)


  1. Cooking/Tasting


I would like to explore relations between memory and taste. Research shows that there is peculiar connection between taste and memory. It was not until about the 1920s that it became the object of rigorous scientific studies. So it should come as no surprise that it is only within the past few decades that we have started to gain a better understanding of its actual physiological basis.This allows us to explain, in detail, how taste is detected in the mouth by certain receptors and converted into nerve impulses that are then forwarded to specific centers in the brain. The neural cells in these centers carry out the final calculation and convey a message about the food.

Taste are not limited by the description of words/language. For example, slow-cooked reflects tenderness of the meat. I would also like to explore the contrast of taste by showing different images of food and narrating the contrast of that particular food. For example visual shows Hot tea and audio narrates brain freeze?

Self-Participation Assessment

What I’ve learnt to do better/ What I have done well.

I am more aware of the relations of things and the agencies it holds – Throughout the semester I’ve watched documentaries such as- Cowsipracy, The True Cost, Minimalism. These are all environmental documentaries, besides learning about environmental issues, I’ve noticed and learned the chains of effects in these documentaries.

I’ve also learnt and applied new approach towards my readings and writings. I used to read through once and highlight the whole page. This semester, I’ve read through my readings least thrice and I’ve used the Cornell notes method to write down my notes. I’ve also applied the pomodoro writing technique (25 mins method).  I’ve explored different ways of noticing and even wrote a letter to a tree, all these lead to research and  tense blogging session. “Everything seems to be normal” but what exactly is normal?I tried by best to make it a habit to blog – For my final assignment, I’ve started blogging my WIP 2 weeks ago, thought process and drafts.

First video( Noticing 01) compare to Final video, Exquisite Corpse progression

First video- visuals and audio too literate. (very traditional way of media making)

Final video- More dense,

What I could have done better:

more practices,I struggled with new methods and concepts of noticing. Like what Bogost said in the readings “The risk of falling into anthropocentrism is strong. Indeed, I’ll take things farther” anthropocentrism is unavoidable, at least for humans.”

Sometimes I find it hard to get back into this zone- of noticing. More practices would help.

Even though this studio can be tough, it changes my mindset and the way I look at things.By understanding the relation and complexity of things, I’ve begin to understand insights and foresight of my surroundings and in general.

Grade: M/D