Intimate Glimpses WIP #3
A) Single Thing You Have That Matters To You
Wasn’t clear with my direction of this project, so I’ve decided to write down some relations of my frequently used applications on my note book.
As mentioned in WIP#1 post, I wrote down a list of applications that is stalled in my phone to understand my phone better but I end up noticing my lifestyle by highlighting my frequently used applications. With the diagram above, I realised the applications I used can be divided into emotional and physical needs. How well do we understand a person? Do we know it as well as a phone knows it’s owner? This experiment gives the phone agencies to understand a person, a machine’s understanding might be better than a human’s understanding of a person.
- How to notice my lifestyle though frequently used application
- What does it tells you about me?
- Another way of understanding a person.
I will be using Moment , an application that tracks your screen time and the amount of time a user spend on their phone. Not very sure how this will go but it will definitely produce a data that shows how reliant humans are on their phones.