April 2017 archive

Reflection on workflow

Today we started off the lesson by a brief analysing our essays. Out of 10 people, only 2-3 feels good about their essay. I belong to the “so-so” group. Adrian asked us why are we not satisfied with our essays.

My workflow-

I tend to focus too much on the structure of my essay that my content revolves around this structure. Last Thursday, Adrian thought us the Pomodoro technique, this technique allows our essay to take us for a walk. I find this technique more efficient, it helps me to move on whenever I am stuck in a passage( which always happens). I wish I had more time for my essay as i practically churned out a new essay within a day..

We went through the these new words for our upcoming assignments today

“The truculence and clamour of things
a convivial making “
It sound so easy when Adrian gave us some examples, however, I find it hard to think of my own examples in our existing soundscape. *Need to re-read Bogost Chapter 03!

New words for next assignment

A convivial making

The truculent clamour of things

Truculent ( adjective) -Eager or quick to argue or to fight: aggressively defiant

Clamour (noun) – a loud and confused noise, especially of that people shouting

Clamour (verb)- ( A group of people) shout loudly and insistently

Convivial ( adjective) – ( of an atmosphere or event) friendly, lively and enjoyable

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