April 28th 2017 archive

Media practice and trails

Back to the importance of blogging. Our grades alone will not get us the job. it is the things that we do outside our academic schedule that reflects our character and ability. Eg. Activities like volunteering, shows that someone is compassionate . We need to keep reading and writing. the more we know about it, the bigger the topics get. Blogging helps us to understand- summary of our reading and class, reflections etc

Trails in media- thinking about it, talking about it and doing something about it. the thicker the media trail you produce the stronger you are going to be. the more we can demonstrate our skills set, the more we are more valuable in the industry. I’ve been watching a lot of documentaries lately, and i’ve been taking down notes unknowingly as I watch these documentaries. These notes allow me to reflect and think, I scribble down a list  random things from interviews, quotes and other observations. It is easier for me to remember.

ideas don’t come to matter until it becomes a thing. when things do things they become actors. gravity and time does things in their own way

I guess blogging helps to stay on the right track, with such a dense and complex studio, I find it a struggle to understand. At one point, I thought I was on the right track and at some point, I felt very lost..