Journal 3- Romantic Comedy


I enjoyed watching Sleepless in Seattle even though I find the plot unrealistic; there are sets of emotions/situations where the audience could relate. Romantic comedies are usually unrealistic, but audiences love the idea of plots, the perfect happy ending in a relationship. I guess that’s the reason why rom com is successful in it’s way. Women are highly influenced by rom com movies, they can relate to the story plots- loneliness, displacement of a relationship, finding a ideal soul mate.

From the readings, politics of romantic comedies- such fantasies left the audience dissatisfied with what they have, they expectations and reality is different- it can be harmful to one’s relationship building such fantasies.

There is an irony in Sleepless in Seattle; “An Affair To Remember” influences Annie’s romantic life, after persisting on her fantasies, she finally met Sam at the state of empire and they got together in the end. The chance of this happening in real life is very slim. Perhaps, winning the lottery would be easier.

I enjoy watching romantic comedies, even though it is exaggerates- as long as we know the fine line between fantasies and reality, it is actually quite entertaining.

Romantic comedy convention:

-Difference from what is usually expected in the non comic world

-In congruity


-Displacement, sense of things/relationship being out of place

-Happy ending

-Childish energies that can no longer be contained by the adult framework ( which makes it funny!!)

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