Assignment 4 Experiment Screen. Inspiration & Development


I’ve been watching some ‘PINK FLAMINGO USA’ stuff lately and I really like the hectic style of editing. These videos have multiple shots on screen at once and you feel like you get lots and lots of little random snippets that are put together in a way that looks good and each shot kind of plays off one and other to create an overall experience that’s more than the sum of it’s shots. That’s more or less what I’m aiming to do here too and I’ve already started incorporating this editing style into my project. I personally like the concept of kinda bombarding the viewer with lots of different moments at once that highlight a lifestyle or the energy of a group of people, it’s a bit like the modern in-your-face version of photogenie for people with ultra short attention spans .

On the topic of capturing moments from my life, I also realised that this video was going to turn out very juvenile and reeking of dumb male energy, but that’s alright because it’s being true to who I am and how I spend my time. I was actually very inspired too by my classmate’s work, the diary films sort of showing what they get up to with their friends because doing dumb stuff with mine while constantly going out is just what I do with my life at this point.

I have a full roll of film from the stereo camera to get developed now which has arrived thank god… And I intend to literally just smash out as many gifs as possible before submission since that was such a big part of my initial pitch. As for the other material I’ve been using, there’s a great deal of phone footage as well as slr stuff in there (phones may not be the best but they’re always there when you see some funny stuff going down and want to capture it) a lot of this footage is recent but some of it is older footage I had that fit well with my theme and project so in the absence of gifs (so far) I’ve gone back and found some good usable material. I’ve also included a couple of glitch gifs I had from ALT photography class from parties we’ve had or car journeys.

So my main challenge at this point is to manage the sheer amount of random material I’ve ended up using which of course means a range of qualities and sizes of videos to fit together in a clean way. As for the structure of the overall film… Up until a few days ago I was in the dark about where I was going with it but now luckily I know what I’m doing more or less, although I have ended up with a bunch of different kinda segments that I intend to fit together in a cohesive way that will best compliment my actual aim for the project.



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