A few weeks ago I went out with a bunch of people I’d only just met to film some street BMX, starting at Riverside and heading into the city from there we stopped at multiple spots along the way. I love filming this sort of thing in general but I definitely learnt some things that night. You’ve always got to be ready to whip your camera out at any given second and can’t afford to spend ages stuffing around with lenses and setting up. In packed areas riders may only be able to get a trick once or twice before security comes to move you all along, or there may be too many people around meaning you may find yourself waiting for a run at a spot for ages with only small gaps in crowds moving across the area. I’ve now kinda made it a routine to go to the night sessions on Friday nights when it’s not raining since I guess it’s the best way to get involved and meet people in the BMX scene here in Melbourne as well as sharpening my filming and photography skills. Another aspect of filming clips for other riders (who actually go and get clips out here 🤣) Is getting the footage to them. Uploading gigs on gigs of stuff to Google Drive for hours just for the audio not to work on their end before doing the same thing on Onedrive which I (inherently distrust) and making a bunch of zip folders that somehow take just as long to upload is all part of it apparently when you don’t know what you’re doing. Like anything I guess communication is important here too even if it’s just over whatsapp, no rider wants to work with a filmer who leaves them in the dark afterwards. I think definitely this is something I want to persist with as it’s just fun as hell and I’ve already managed to meet a good bunch of riders just from kicking around Riverside and the Northcote bowl.