This week we covered the importance of sound and in some senses brought to light our interviewing skills as we asked students for their opinions about the RMIT City Campus. I interviewed my old colleague from high school Bethany Ha who is in her first year also at RMIT and I was intrigued to hear how she was finding the convenience of the campus and whether it satisfied all of her needs. One of the problems encountered as far as recording was the ambient background sound; because it was an open environment many noises were picked up by the ‘Handy Recorder’ which can be,at times, dominant over the subjects voice. Sound edited in Creative Cloud program ‘Audition’ is intentional placed in the background but isn’t dominant over the subjects voice. For example the sound of trains recorded separately to Bethany’s interview is intentional as it fits in with what she saying about the public transport in the city. Levels for sound can initially be hard to blend in with the dominant voice but through a bit of practise I was able to balance the sound levels so one doesn’t over power the other to an extent that it cancels out important symbolic sounds . But in future when I interview a subject I will have the microphone closer to the subject and if possible record the interview in a quiet enclosed environment or a recording studio.