Discussions, analysis and proposals A BIG CLASS (Documentary As Action) (Week 6)

25/08/2017 Friday discussions, aims and proposals out of the class 

As the date approaches to get the project plan complete, our class had a very important visitor Simon Direen, a filmmaker whose work prominently featured at the Melbourne International Film Festival. We learnt a lot from him but specifically how one can engage and successfully work with his participants however challenging and different they may be. The aesthetics of his film were quite beautiful and how he displayed his subjects through tight close ups and soft focuses really made his pieces of documentary quite poetic. Plenty to consider when making my micro documentary series, I am excited to learn from artists such as Simon, the engagement with the subjects, the close ups, the exquisite recording of sound, the emotion conveyed from the subject which resonates with the audience and the detail in the fore and backgrounds when constructing the scenes and environments for the characters. I watched these elements very closely.

  • Discussions and thoughts/feedback from class

MOVEMENTS – Tripods, shoulder rig, substitution/easily achievable dolly, tripod with wheels, trolley with tripod mounted on it, Shoulder Support Rig Mount Stabilizer Support Pad for Canon 60D 7D DSLR Camera

-Parents discussions – could be a wide open forum, all in one room, chatting to each other non formal, several cameras, 2-5 sets of parents even grandparents sitting around the table as well, parents of the children discussion.

-Second approach with two parent/grandparent groups intercutting two stories, displaying similarities between the children’s

class presentation

-target audience

-subjects (people behind the story)

-styles (colours, inspiration, films of inspiration) editing (fast style)

-Questions for the class

-Questions for the subjects


Simon Direen (filmmaker: producer/director/editor/camera)  – Talking about process – A Life Together MIFF, Voices

Cultural development film grant (a grant for making something for a non-for-profit films ask Kim)

Boundaries – can become friendly with them, being careful with bias, respect subjects, honesty and sincerity, trust, explore the topic genuine, if you show genuine interest and show them that you’re interested in their lives they will open up to you.

Types of cameras for production: red camera (interviews) sound recordist (part of the budget)

An exciting lead up to the filming on my micro-documentaries with Aussie Hands, there is plenty of be planned however before the camera is taken to location. With discussions currently taking place over appealing and appropriate subjects for the micro documentaries, much consideration must be placed on sketching up a documentary plan. Even before a director’s statement, visual treatment and synopsis are typed up, there are many processes which needs to defined and underlined before going any further.

The pitch will be conducted in class in week 7 and submission of the Project Brief will be due in  week 8. This will  include a short (1-sentence) and longer (1 paragraph synopsis), director’s statement, visual treatment (including mood board).

Michael Serpell

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