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Annotated Biography Mediums and Technologies – Source 6

Link: http://link.springer.com.ezproxy.lib.rmit.edu.au/book/10.1007%2F978-0-387-69142-8 Reference: Dvorak, J.L.D, 2008. Moving Wearables into the Mainstream Taming the Borg . 1st ed. 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, USA: Springer Science+Business Media. Pp311- This Chapter of the book deals with the accommodation of social values and conventions in the light of wearable device prevalence. It discusses specific situations such…

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Annotated Biography Mediums and Technologies – Source 5

Link: http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.lib.rmit.edu.au/docview/208938327?accountid=13552&rfr_id=info%3Axri%2Fsid%3Aprimo Reference: Blythe, Wright, Monk, M.A.B, P.C.W, A.F.M, 2004. Little brother: could and should wearable computing technologies be applied to reducing older people’s fear of crime?. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 8.6, 1-6. This article deals with the potential for wearables to change perceptions, specifically, to induce a sense of assurance in vulnerable members of…

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Annotated Biography Mediums and Technologies – Source 4

Link: http://www.tandfonline.com.ezproxy.lib.rmit.edu.au/doi/abs/10.1080/00405000.2012.736191 or http://www.tandfonline.com.ezproxy.lib.rmit.edu.au/doi/abs/10.1080/00405000.2012.736191#aHR0cDovL3d3dy50YW5kZm9ubGluZS5jb20uZXpwcm94eS5saWIucm1pdC5lZHUuYXUvZG9pL3BkZi8xMC4xMDgwLzAwNDA1MDAwLjIwMTIuNzM2MTkxQEBAMA== Reference: Turhan , G.T, 2013. An assessment towards the acceptance of wearable technology to consumers in Turkey: the application to smart bra and t-shirt products. The Journal of The Textile Institute, Vol. 104, 1-6. This article explores the  concept of wearable smart devices through a sociological context; namely the cultural acceptance…

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Annotated Biography Mediums and Technologies – Source 3

Link: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijdsn/2013/190813/ Reference: Castillejo, Martínez, López, Gregorio Rubio, P.C,J.F.M,L.L,G.R, 2012. An Internet of Things Approach for Managing Smart Services Provided by Wearable Devices. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks Volume 2013 (2013), 190813, pp 1-9. This article relates the idea of smart wearable devices to the concept of the “Internet of things” – the interconnected…

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Annotated Biography Mediums and Technologies – Source 2

Link: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-36071-8_28 Reference: Nayak, Swamy, Ramaswamy, D.N, M.V.S, S.R, 2010. Supporting Location Information Privacy in Mobile Devices. 1st ed. 9th International Conference, ICDCIT 2013, Bhubaneswar, India,: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp 361-372 This article explores the growing issue of manipulation that may take place in a company’s aim to obtain information about a user of a…

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Annotated Biography Mediums and Technologies – Source 1

http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.ezproxy.lib.rmit.edu.au/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=7387859 Reference: Mertz, L.M, 2016. Are Wearables Safe?: We Carry Our Smart Devices with Us Everywhere – Even to Bed – But Have We Been Sleeping with the Enemy, or are Cautionary Tales Overinflated?. 1st ed. -: IEEE Pulse, Vol.7(1), pp.39-43 This article explores the question of whether wearable smart devices can be considered safe,…

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