Picture = 1000 words ∴ 4 seconds of 25fps video = 100,000 words.

Creative Self-portrait Audio clip No. 3 ‘Blogging – Michael Firus

In a rather meta approach. This is the sound that has been heard constantly within my walls as a result of the blogging process.

Creative Self-portrait Audio clip No. 2 ‘Guitar Tuning’ – Michael Firus

I chose to record the tuning process as it hints towards themes of self-improvement and refinement of one’s self. Like any type of self-improvement, it must be constantly re-tuned to maintain a pertinent sound.

Creative Self-portrait Audio clip No. 1 ‘Crossing’ – Michael Firus

This sound clip was recorded in Melbourne’s CBD on my way to University. To me it symbolizes the journey that has begun through my arrival in Melbourne. This incorporates academic growth through University and general life experience

Creative Self-portrait Video clip No. 3 ‘Independence’ – Michael Firus

This clip symbolises a transition in my way of life. Up to the end of year 12, I rarely went grocery shopping to supply my own needs solely. But this changed when I moved out at the beginning of this year. This seems insignificant, but it is in fact a shift in mentality. One realises…

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Creative Self-portrait Video clip No. 2 ‘Also Cutting’ – Michael Firus

The process of editing has been one that I have engaged with for far longer than cooking. I am currently doing a bit of freelance editing, and it is a process of production that I enjoy. This clip ties into the previous one, in that both possess the theme of cutting and combining to create…

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Creative Self-portrait Video clip No. 1 ‘Cutting’ – Michael Firus

This is the first of two clips called ‘cutting’. This first one concerns something I have discovered to be a necessity. According to health experts cooking one’s own food is beneficial, and because of this I have become more courageous of late with my own cooking. It is interesting how these ties into clip No.2….

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Creative Self-portrait ’50 Words (or so)’– Michael Firus

Well, my first blog post. That’s me and my pal the sun by the way. I’m not entirely sure it’s acceptable for me to say I have a connection to media in any particularly excellent way. I do freelance editing and videography, but just typing that makes me feel unwell with pretension.

Deep vs Hyper Attention

The question of the merit of deep vs hyper attention-span is a prickly one to confront. It is unpleasant because at some point it leads to a self-reflection of how efficient am I? It can be constructive in this sense, but nonetheless unpleasant. It is a question explored by N. Katherine Hayles in this article…

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