Picture = 1000 words ∴ 4 seconds of 25fps video = 100,000 words.

Final Project Idea development: Logistics

Over the last weekend, I undertook the first shoot for my final project. The footage shot so far was primarily for the purposes of exploration of the logistical issues that might come up, and indeed, some of the footage could be used in the final product.

In order to achieve the desired fog for the shots, a smoke machine needed to be acquired. This was tested with two smoke fluids and I found that the heavy solution was needed in order to achieve something perceptible.

It was at this point that casting became a consideration. After exploring the website StarNow, it became clear that most of the actors listed were based in urban centres; no where near where I would be filming. For the reason I sourced local talent so to speak: My former highschools media teacher Ildiko Varga. Ildiko previously worked as a stand in on the feature film ‘Season of the Witch’ (2011).

Costume was another aspect that needed to be worked out. I wanted my actor to wear a simple plain dress that would imbue a sense of lack of experience and receptiveness.  While on this test shoot, where I was able to see the dress worn in its context, I deceded to add a belt to the overall costume.  The dress that was decided upon is shown below:

michaelfirus • September 7, 2017

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