Picture = 1000 words ∴ 4 seconds of 25fps video = 100,000 words.

Class Brainstorm – Media – Immediate Response

Media is an extremely complex thing to define. Put simply it is the varios ways in which information is mediated. Put less simply: as beings with five senses, media is everything.

But to bring this down to earth, what do I think of when I hear the word ‘media’?

  • Mediation – transfer of ideas
  • Influential
  • Stories
  • Where art and culture intersect
  • Communication
  • Creation and reception
  • Many types
  • Interconnected
  • A public form
  • Media is power
  • Regulation and censorship
  • Experimentation

All third party images acquired royalty free from Graphicstock.com


michaelfirus • March 13, 2016

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