Analysis-Reflection 5 – Screen grabs

Angelo original.Still006 Angelo Warm.Still005 Angelo contrast.Still004 Angelo performance original Angelo performance brightness

1) This is an original screen grab from Angelo’s interview.  I wanted to make the scene a bit warmer (at this point, Angelo’s discussing his passion for music) and also wanted to reduce the brightness on his face.

2) I’ve enhanced the Orange/Red/Yellows, and this makes it look like sunlight is being reflected of Angelo’s face.  It’s quite a nice effect, if a little artificial.

3) I’ve reduced the brightness and increased the contrast slightly.  It takes some of the artificial reflection off Angelo’s face and also gives the scene a bit more impact / emotional gravitas, I think.

4). This is an original screen grab from Angelo’s performance at The Mexican Corner, at the climax of the film.  I wanted to have Angelo stick out a little more, since this is his ‘moment’.

5). I’ve again reduced the brightness and increased the contrast.  I think this helps to take attention off the fellow in the background in the red shirt who was stealing some of the attention and also it gives the seen a slightly grainer, natural feeling; we’re less aware of the presence of artificial lighting on Angelo.



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