After the meeting with Casey O’Brien, our team began to brainstorm on what we could do to accomplish the company’s needs. It was obvious that the Sunshine Mission was desperate and was starting to run out of ideas as the funding began to decline at a high velocity, accompanied by the decline of patrons attending the Shed.

In our team of five, three of us had a previous filmography past, and the other two were graphic designers. The film/media students of the collective were, myself included, against the idea of producing a short film production to aid the company. I am to believe that this reason of not producing a short film was the concept that it was just another exhausted niche in our repertoire. We initially wanted to challenge ourselves.

The plan of action was to try an meet all the needs that Lentara required. Under some zany circumstances, our breakthrough idea from our brainstorming was to hold a community event that would also co-exist as a means to gain donations and funding. The community event was a la of that featured in Whoopi Goldberg’s Sister Act 2, where this event was used to tie the community together to help fund the struggling local high school.


Now was the plan of how to we actually make this event happen.