The seminar day:
Mollie’s idea of having the different set-up/pack down teams worked really well and we all met in the seminar room as soon as we could get there around 3.20pm. As organized and punctual as we were, things were going to go wrong.
Such as going to get the chairs and props from the television hire to find no one there and no way to get the props. After a few phone calls we finally got in. From there, it was a struggle carrying chairs, landscapes, and plants across campus and the city street with wind and all. With the props being at the lecture hall, and time running out. We all ran around taking care of everything we needed to do. I, helped by Mardy, and Mollie, was in charge of covering the blue chairs with black fabric and pinning said fabric on to the chairs. Plus, I was helping set up the lighting, gaffering, and clearing our stuff from the audience that is about to get in.
To be perfectly honest, it did rub me the wrong way that two students from another seminar, actually the seminar that was going to be held the following week from ours was in the room, just watching us set-up, especially when we did not want any outsiders until 4. Also, Mia and I specifically asked Kevin not to take any behind the scenes type photographs and place them on the RMIT adventure instagram, but he did anyway.
It was 4, everything was set, but it seemed like one of our guests weren’t there yet, and it was time to bring in the audience, once we found our hiding guest. At 4:05 doors opened with Dolly Parton’s ‘9 to 5’, my recommendation, blaring over the speakers and the seminar was ready to go.
Overall, I believe the seminar went great and have heard only good feedback.
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