So as it turns out, We’ll be needing to get a permit for filming in Melbourne. We will also be needing some heavy duty equipment to use. Such as Tripods. And zoom recorders. I feel as if in this consult, I realise that we’re currently in the calm before the storm of filming. We’re all still trying to get organised to a point in which we’ll be ready for filming everything. Jess has her script done, Steph probably is really close, and David and I are pretty close to getting Martin, our man who busks, done and dusted.

I’m thinking that we’ll be right. We’re thinking, at Pauls suggestion, that we should commit to filming over the next 3 Sundays. Hopefully we can organise amongst ourselves to have enough crew each sunday to get an adequate amount of filming done. I know for a fact that I’ll have to miss the 11th because of a going away party, and I’m also fairly confident that not everybody’s going to be completely available, but I think we’ll be able to manage if and most likely when our numbers are fewer.

We also should consider rehearsals as well. We probably need to allocate times to making sure not only the actors have got their actions on track, but also the camera person. Seeing as we’ve written the camera’s actions, and zooms into the script and that we’ll also be adding some in for comical effect (as is standard in mockumentaries) we should really preactice that.

Otherwise, I think we’re good… We’ll be right.

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