“On Monday the 21st of September, the revolutionary production company ‘Bottle Rocket,’ held auditions and for that day, were casting directors for the new classic TV show, ‘TRAMS, RENTALS AND INSTRUMENTALS.”

And thats what newspapers will one day say about our auditions we held on Monday. I’m quite thankful that they omitted the part where I allegedly showed up an hour late because of railroad upgrades and delays. Anyway, from what I did get out of this process was something that was really interesting.

After indeed getting there late, I found that it was pretty cool hearing a professional delivering lines that were thought up by somebody in our group. It’s going to be even cooler when I am I get to see it on screen, but even though it wasn’t my script, it was nice to see that people were relating with what was being said on page, showing that our scripts are fairly well written. Something that was pointed out to me afterwards, but something that I haven’t really seen in person before, is that the actors tended to want to know about their character, they wanted to know their motivations, their attitudes, and how they would fit within the mockumentary genre. These actors won’t be paid, yet in retrospect I still found it pretty cool that they were dedicated to the character and were very professional.

The first actress who read for Valentina and Kerry, a woman on an ill-fated date with Liam, I can’t say I saw much of, again, because I was late, seemed to be really professional and have an interest with the characters. That was enough to say that she was pretty professional. The second actress, who I saw a lot more of, had a contrasting style and tone within her portrayal of the characters, and she too, was pretty professional also and agian, had a real sense of interest in these characters and the motivations they had. She’d also memorised all of her lines, which in a short amount of time is pretty darn cool and another show of professionalism.

And that’s something that is really quite interesting in the casting process. There are performances that are unique to each person casting, but you really have to be insightful in who you end up choosing for the role. Both actresses eventually fit within the parts of Valentina, and Kerry respectively, but both had different strengths and ways of interpreting what they saw in the characters within the script. I’m not saying thats a bad thing, I just found it a pretty interesting process in seeing varying performances and having to evaluate which part suits each actress more.

Overall however, I feel like it was a valuable experience, in finding out what individual actresses or actors bring to the character, and as was seen on Monday, often they’re things which you hadn’t really considered before.

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