This first editing exercise was not the segment that our ‘B’ group actually shot, however I felt that I could try to reflect the story with the scene where I happened to be a star. A dumb guy, but a star. I’m the one in the red. Anyway, I found the exercise quite beneficial.

In creating, ‘Heist Guys,’ firstly I found it difficult to get a completely seamless continuity going, especially when the guys turn the corner, as theres a slightly awkward jump in space which I feel the audience may just recognise. Also, the final line of diologue happened to be given incorrectly (I can only blame myself…) and didn’t exactly make as much sense as I thought it would make, so in the editing I feel as if I rushed over the final cut to try and make audiences not realise what I just said didn’t make any sense. It instead made the editing feel rushed and not as considered. We definitely had takes where the dialogue was given in approximately the same location, but editing wise I feel I may have perhaps rushed it all.  However, I felt that overall the experience using Premier was quite beneficial, I hadn’t exactly used it before hand.

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