So. Heres an update of what I haven’t been telling you all these last few weeks.

Firstly, my group initially decided that we are going to create a series of short films focusing upon Melbournian characters doing their Melbourne things. This is due to the fact the Melbourne has gained acclaim as the most liveable city in the world, and we’d all like to explore characters within our awesome city setting. I think for a start it’ll be really interesting to explore the quirky characters of Melbourne. For instance, I’m currently writing and devising a script of two busker characters, one who would be the main focus of the story. That’s all I’ll disclose to you all, all 40 million of you, but its this idea of devising quirky characters and telling their weird stories is something we think will really add up to telling a quite comedic look at why Melbourne is the way it is, and ‘What makes Melbourne.’

Secondly, after consulting with Jasmine, we discovered that this concept may be better suited to a TV series pilot, instead of being a series of short films, as it would have better cohesion and make our ability to convey genre, which I think will be comedy in the end. I also feel that this allows us to create a Chris Lilley or Little Britain-esque mockumentary feel to our pilot, as we’d be intercutting between multiple, quirky storylines with our quirky characters. Ultimately, I feel like this medium would serve as a better way to convey the strange, yet memorable culture that Melbourne has to offer.

I also missed one lesson due to illness, but there is more to come for sure.

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