That’s right my dear, multi-million following friends, its a new month. You heard it first from Matt. The Project Briefs are finishing up. The group work is something that has so much potential for learning its blowing my mind. In any sort of working situation I’ll end up in one day, collaborating with varying minds about something is very valuable.
The initial brainstorming too was valuable. There were plenty of things that came about that I don’t think I would have considered. We had one idea for our medium assignment to consist of something to do with the film adaptions over time. That’s pretty interesting in seeing the changing of interpretations, for instance between the 7 Harry Potter books and the subsequent 8 movies. One interesting adaption, according to somebody who has actually read the books about it, is Seventh Son. Apparently the filmmakers changed the values of the story and adapted it into a mystical setting, something which greatly annoyed this friend of mine. Another interesting adaption is Battlefield Earth. A Science Fiction classic was also adapted into a film… which turned out to be one of the worst of all time. It’s interesting to see within this argument that between books and film especially, value can be lost. They can also be captured perfectly, just look at The Lord of The Rings film trilogy… and once you’ve seen those watch the extended versions with up to 45 hours of special features.
But anyway, this brought up some issues also. Researching this idea could have been slightly challenging. The intellectuals who have PHD’s in book to film adaptions are quite scarce I’d imagine. I have the feeling there may be no PHD in that… Anyway, I’d previously done study on the effects of audiences to media artefacts in High School, so that’s something I knew could create an interesting idea for the assignment.
Anyway, In this last 2 weeks of assignment time, I’ve found that the communication has improved to be much more effective. Our website idea has allowed for a more flexible format, and seeing as we’re all (as far as I know) somewhat beginners in creating videos, it allows us to have a form of pressure be lifted. I hope we’re able to get everything compiled and handed in.