Week 11 (Blog) – Documentary as Action: Reflecting on Feedback #2

On Friday, Jess and I showed the class a second look at our work in progress. This time, we put forward a sequence with the women talking about what they’ve learnt and how the class has affected them. We asked the class whether this would work better as an opening or closing sequence, as well as whether subtitles or music would be appropriate.

We got a few different opinions regarding the opening/closing sequence question, some saying it works better at the beginning and others at the end. After listening to a few different voices, we decided a ‘mini’ version of this sequence would work well as an emotional hook at the beginning, while the rest could close out the film.

We were told subtitles weren’t necessary for the film and that it could come off a little bit patronizing if we inserted them, so I don’t think they’ll end up going in. As far as music goes, we still haven’t really gone anywhere. A couple of people said music would work in the sequence but I’m not entirely sure what type of music to use. I looked again for something that might work but it never feels like it’s right, I’ll continue to look and use some of the suggestions Kim gave us for royalty free sites, and hopefully we can get our hands on something that fits.

I plan on smoothing out this sequence soon and finishing off the rest of a rough cut, so we can start to refine the final film as soon as possible. Jess is going to put some 30-60 second individual documentaries together as well. We’ll continue to stay in touch with Kim and Good Shepherd when we need to and keep working away until we’re not just done with this thing, but happy with it too.

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