Week 5 (Blog) – Documentary as Action

During the class on Monday a couple of people from Good Shepherd came down to talk to us about working with them, which gave me a general idea of what I’ll working on over the coming weeks. We discussed what Good Shepherd does and what the organisation’s values are and they sound great. They’re committed to helping at risk women and children in various ways, and aim to provide them with a community they can confide in. Ruby and Ethne presented us with a project to jump on board with next Wednesday, however it isn’t the best day for either Jess or myself. We talked about other potential projects, particularly short portraits that could be filmed about people who have volunteered for, or been assisted by Good Shepherd. They said they’d stay in touch over the next week or two and try to set something up for us, so there isn’t too much we can do apart from become a bit more familiar with the equipment we’ll be using when we film. Overall I’m happy we’re somewhat on track and working with such a great organisation!

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