Purpose Driven Campaigning

Purpose Driven Campaigning, it’s almost the application of Human Centered Design to the process of growing social movements. Focusing on what motivates people and on human need.

And I think it could be very helpful as a frame alongside The Field Guide to Human Centered Design, and The Common Cause Handbook: Values and Frames, in considering the Lentara project’s goal of growing the number of supporters donating to the ASHP.

Communications company Make Believe have prepared a 40 point summary pdf. These are points that have been used for building a church but have also been applied successful to building sustainable non-profit organisations and mass support for progressive campaigns. The main point to take away is around the idea of Levels of Commitment (bringing people from the outer circle of not having engagement with the organisation or having contact but no commitment, towards the inner most circle of high commitment (the area where people would most likely bequest large donations like a property).


Also important are the points on Being Purpose-Driven (which Lentara is already but this includes in communication, the idea is that the purpose drives everything, stories, slogans, symbols, specifics, all relate to the purpose), Organisational Culture & Management (Focus on people and processes rather than Programs), Communication and Recruitment (Identifying your target, Messaging, Strategy)

This alongside the common cause handbook which is a tool that allows you to ensure your messaging is primed for success through understanding frames and values, and by activating the right values and associated values that promote rather than inhibit movements. And essentially Lentara needs to tap into and promote a philanthropic movement alongside the movement for human rights and social services for refugees and asylum seekers.

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