Reflection 6
1. This week’s lecture was very important for me as I was chosen to be director of the final film of the semester. There were two main points that I took away from Sandra’s lecture. The most important one for myself was the role of the director on the day of shooting. As I learnt on the day of the shoot (and before) the director’s main role is to establish and build a trusting relationship with the actors. This is essential as it is the director’s job to create an environment where he/she is able to give points to the actors without demanding them. His/her vision can only be truly understood by him/herself and it is his job to deliver this vision as clear as he can to the actors. As this is never easy, the director must keep a cool head so that the actors understand that the director is in control of the film and trust does not need to be misplaced.
Secondly, which was very important to our shoot was the idea of prioritizing, which shots go first when filming. As we were filming on the beach, we needed to shoot our shots early rather than wait to the last minute.
2. The Clip from the Cohen Brother’s Blood Simple uses a cutting pattern of Person A to B. This is broken up by shots of objects and people walking towards and away from the action. Throughout the scene the 180-degree rule is upheld, as the camera does not cross the ‘axis of action’.
The audio is cut over the video, which is known as a J-cut. Non –diegectic sounds are used to add character to the scene. Although not necessarily seen, these sounds are still used in order to create the atmosphere.
3. Here are some shortcuts unknown to me prior to the lecture-
Shift+I- to go in
Shift + O- going out
CMD+N – adding a sequence
CMD+I – import
Although I wasn’t in charge of editing I feel like the commands above me have been very helpful in exploring the program. I will be editing later this week and look forward to using these tools in order to finish my film.