dump notes

dump notes

Dump notes for networked media week 11 –

tim berners lee – US commentators said “tim berners lee, who’s that guy?”
north american small worldism


why didnt tim berners lee pattern the web?


Not all economic models are necessary obvious ones.

He had an idealistic view (utopian view) open an universal and free?

Placing centralized control wouldn’t have allowed it to grow to what it is today

Berners lee was working for cern – came up with the web to let physicists trade papers way easier.

Free exchange of knowledge

Pattern and pattern trolls – pattern things they haven’t invented.

Ongoing issue in this cultural

Californian free information notion (hippie concept)
direct line from hippie culture to the Internet and the web.

A gift economy; freely donate stuff with no assumption of a return. Internet based off this.

Nobody owns the patent to html (cant patent ‘please or thankyou’)

Wiki most successful and biggest encyclopedia (all done pro bono)

We’re used to the idea of the internet being characterised as a democratic, open, non-hierarchical technology and space:



Virtual and the actual – virtual is true  but what comes true is actual?

Future tellers tryna take our monies!!!


Databases and numbers – cowbird create a account contribute a story.